Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Identify where the underlined sentence below belongs in the paragraph.
Start with the freshest bread you can find.
I will tell you how to make a perfect peanut butter sandwich.
Take the two pieces of bread.
Add a good-sized scoop of crunchy peanut butter, and be sure to spread it on both pieces of bread. Find a jar of your favorite jam.
Use slightly less jam than peanut butter, and spread it on only one slice of bread.
Put the two slices together and cut the sandwich in half. Enjoy.

Identify where the underlined sentence below belongs in the paragraph.
During the pre-competition phase, continue the aerobic training, but add strength training and sprints.
Training for tennis can be broken down into four phases.
During the preparation phase, work on aerobic fitness with jogging, swimming, or cycling as you train heavily on the specifics of tennis.
While competing, training can ease up except for the specifics of tennis.
For several weeks after competition, rest from playing tennis but keep up your fitness by playing other sports.

Identify where the underlined sentence below belongs in the paragraph.
But when you meet a girl like Ellen, you don’t care.
It’s embarrassing for a guy to have a girl for a friend.
All your buddies laugh at you.
Everyone thinks you have a girlfriend.
Even your mother teases you, and your little brother won’t stop talking about it.
She’s worth all the teasing. Why? Because she’s got the best arm on the baseball team.

Reading: Informational Text (RI.6.5)