101 Japanese Idioms with Online Resources

101 Japanese Idioms

101 Japanese Idioms

By McGraw Hill Professional

Published date: 01-01-1993

Price: N


For All Students This flexible book and audio program features 101 Japanese idiomatic and proverbial expressions that enrich students knowledge of Japanese language and culture. Each left-hand page provides the expression in Japanese orthography and romanization, along with a whimsical illustration. Each right-hand page provides a literal translation of the idiom, its definition, cultural notes, and a dialogue in Japanese orthography, Roomaji, and English. Audiocassettes include expressive readings of the dialogues to help improve students\' pronunciation.


101 Japanese Idioms is a educational Book By McGraw Hill Professional.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book 101 Japanese Idioms but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 9780844284965

Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional

Published Date: 01-01-1993

Pages: 218

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