Unlocking the Idioms with Online Resources

Unlocking the Idioms

Unlocking the Idioms

By Cedar Fort

Published date: 04-01-2009

Price: 4.93


Idioms and idiomatic language are as real to the messages of holy scripture as are prophecies and parables. Idioms are words and phrases that express more than the actual words themselves. They paint mental or emotional images that bring events or feelings to the present quickly and with intensity. Like a cultural shorthand, they can describe things without using lengthy explanations.On the other hand, idioms can be meaningless and misleading if the reader has no experience with the culture and language from which the idioms originated. Mistranslation and cultural differences both contribute t


Unlocking the Idioms is a educational Book By Cedar Fort.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book Unlocking the Idioms but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 1599552418

Publisher: Cedar Fort

Published Date: 04-01-2009

Pages: 215

Price: 4.93

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