A Geography Of Time with Online Resources

A Geography Of Time

A Geography Of Time

By Basic Books

Published date: 04-24-2024

Price: 9.99


In this engaging and spirited book, eminent social psychologist Robert Levine asks us to explore a dimension of our experience that we take for granted--our perception of time. When we travel to a different country, or even a different city in the United States, we assume that a certain amount of cultural adjustment will be required, whether it’s getting used to new food or negotiating a foreign language, adapting to a different standard of living or another currency. In fact, what contributes most to our sense of disorientation is having to adapt to another culture’s sense of time.Levine,


A Geography Of Time is a educational Book By Basic Books.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book A Geography Of Time but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 0786722533

Publisher: Basic Books

Published Date: 04-24-2024

Pages: 279

Price: 9.99

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