Equalizer+ HD music player - Lumos Educational App Store

Equalizer+ HD music player

Equalizer+ HD music player - By MWM

Price - $Free


Equalizer+ is an all-in-one music player - equalizer - bass booster that offers brilliant sound quality, automatically optimized depending on the headphones used. Access your entire music library: iTunes, Google Drive, and Dropbox with offline mode - no wifi needed! Quality-focused, Equalizer+ makes it possible for you to mix, edit and customize the sound of your tracks to ensure an optimal music listening experience. Adjust songs that have too much or too little highs and lows, boost your bass to give more depth to your tracks, play your playlists like a DJ with the special DJ transitions,


Equalizer+ HD music player is a free educational mobile app By MWM.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Equalizer+ HD music player but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: MWM

Developer URL: http://equalizerpl.us/

Software Version: 2.10.00

Category: Music

Release Date: 2013-12-26T21:47:35Z


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