Pixelated - Pixel Color Puzzle - Lumos Educational App Store

Pixelated - Pixel Color Puzzle

Pixelated - Pixel Color Puzzle - By 111 (LLC)

Price - $Free


AppAdvice.com - "Pixelated Plus Color Puzzle is a thought-provoking and engaging game. It’s the kind of app that will probably have you coming back for more for a long time and is well worth the asking price." iPhonemore.nl - "Five stars game" http://www.pixelatedgame.com One Color is Enough ! Your goal is to sort out the screen, leaving only one color. Expand ‘your area’ to neighboring pixels, by choosing the color of pixels to be captured next. You win when ‘your area’ spans the whole screen.. When only one color remains. Easy task


Pixelated - Pixel Color Puzzle is a free educational mobile app By 111 (LLC).It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Pixelated - Pixel Color Puzzle but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: 111 (LLC)

Developer URL: http://www.think-grow.biz

Software Version: 8.2

Category: Games

Release Date: 2011-09-23T18:25:20Z


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