Standard Time - A clock rebuilt every minute - Lumos Educational App Store

Standard Time - A clock rebuilt every minute

Standard Time - A clock rebuilt every minute - By Sebastian Obentheuer

Price - $$9.99


Seventy workers are building a wooden time display in real time: a work that involves 1611 changes within a 24 hour period. Seamlessly documented and shot on video, this 24 hours movie is synchronized with your device time and can be used as a clock. The Standard Time project is a sculpture about time and a race against the clock. Even though the workers are trying hard to construct every single minute, they are constantly on the verge of failing. Standard Time is an artwork by Mark Formanek, realized by Datenstrudel. Please note: The Standard Time Project is a large application. Downl


Standard Time - A clock rebuilt every minute is a free educational mobile app By Sebastian Obentheuer.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Standard Time - A clock rebuilt every minute but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Sebastian Obentheuer

Developer URL:

Software Version: 3.0

Category: Utilities

Release Date: 2010-04-16T23:54:41Z


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