Pocket Jam - Lumos Educational App Store

Pocket Jam

Pocket Jam - By Jacob Parker

Price - $$4.99


Pocket Jam is for musicians wanting to practice and play along with their favourite songs. Loop specific sections of songs, or change the pitch or tempo in real time. If you don't have a capo to hand — or worse, the song is in a lower tuning than you, Pocket Jam has you covered. You can change the pitch up and down — in real time — to any amount of semitones up to an octave. Looping lets you pick specific parts of the song you want to practise. Once enabled, drag the left and right handles on the play bar to set the start and end of the loop, and it'll loop between them. And when loop


Pocket Jam is a free educational mobile app By Jacob Parker.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Pocket Jam but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Jacob Parker

Developer URL: https://jacobdoescode.com/pocket-jam

Software Version: 4.3.3

Category: Music

Release Date: 2016-09-17T18:22:54Z


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