DSM-5 Exam Prep Practice Test - Lumos Educational App Store

DSM-5 Exam Prep Practice Test

DSM-5 Exam Prep Practice Test - By ImpTrax Corporation

Price - $Free


DSM 5 Genius is the only exam prep app that you need to score high on any exam that you require you to have DSM 5 knowledge. This app is designed to help applicants take a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts for the relevant exams. It measures your progress in a clear and intelligent manner to motivate you to learn quickly. The questions are simulated by professionals who have passed their LCSW & MSW exam and many such exams with flying colors. It comprises of all the categories of the DSM 5, covering all topics expansively. Categories: 1. Neurodevelopmental disorders 2. Schizophren


DSM-5 Exam Prep Practice Test is a free educational mobile app By ImpTrax Corporation.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download DSM-5 Exam Prep Practice Test but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: ImpTrax Corporation

Developer URL: http://www.imptrax.com/

Software Version: 4.0.141

Category: Education

Release Date: 2016-06-14T11:08:07Z


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