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Seventh grade math - Divide fractions

The problem on division of fractions can be converted to a multiplication problem by turning the fraction upside down and multiplying it. The resources on this page will help in understanding dividing fractions, dividing whole numbers by fractions and dividing mixed numbers.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Divide fractions

Sample Questions related to Divide fractions

Worksheets related to Divide fractions

Related Topics

  • How do you divide two fractions with different denominators?
  • Reverse the numerator and denominator of the second fraction and change the division sign to a multiplication sign. Let’s say you’re dividing the fraction 1/2 by 18/20. …
    Multiply the numerators and denominators of the fractions and simplify your answer.

  • When you divide a fraction Where does the denominator go?
  • Keep the first fraction as is, change the sign from division to multiplication, and flip the second fraction, putting the numerator on the bottom and the denominator on the top. Then multiply the two fractions to solve. Step 1: Change the division sign to multiplication.

  • What is 1 2 divided by 3 4 as a fraction?
  • A simple way to divide by a fraction is to turn the fraction upside down and multiply. It works with all fractions. For example dividing by 2/3 is the same as multiplying by 3/2. Notice that when you divide by a fraction the answer is larger than the number you started with.

  • How do you divide?
  • Part 1 Dividing by a Two-Digit Number
    Look at just the first digit of the larger number. …
    Look at the first two digits. …
    Use a little guesswork. …
    Write the answer above the last digit you used. …
    Multiply your answer by the smaller number. …
    Subtract the two numbers. …
    Bring down the next digit. …
    Solve the next division problem.

    Tags: dividing fractions and mixed numbers worksheets, practice dividing fractions and mixed numbers worksheet, dividing fractions and mixed numbers word problems, dividing fractions by fractions word problems, division of fraction problem solving

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