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Seventh grade math - Calculate mean, median, mode, and range

Mode, median and mean are three different types of average. The range is the difference between the biggest and the smallest number. Understand the difference between the mean, the median, the mode, and the range and how to calculate them using the resources on this page.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Calculate mean, median, mode, and range.

Related Topics

  • What is the mean median and mode?
  • Mean also known as the average. The mean is found by adding up all of the given data and
    dividing by the number of data entries.The median is the middle number. Mode is the number that occurs most often.

  • What is the mean in maths?
  • Mean also known as the average. The mean is found by adding up all of the given data and
    dividing by the number of data entries.

  • How do you calculate the median?
  • The median is the middle number. First you arrange the numbers in order from lowest to highest, then you find the middle number by crossing off the numbers until you reach the middle.

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