Every Child Ready: Closing the School Readiness Gap in Alameda County


Every Child Ready: Closing the School Readiness Gap in Alameda County is organizing an conference. This forum will feature an in-depth look at the state of School Readiness in Alameda County. First 5 Alameda County and ASR will present the results of a countywide School Readiness Assessment. This forum will also engage participants in conversation about a common definition of School Readiness and discuss ways to get others engaged in this important topic.

Title: Every Child Ready: Closing the School Readiness Gap in Alameda County

Date: Friday, November 7, 2014

Time: 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM (PST)

Place: Preservation Park – Nile Hall,668 13th Street,Oakland, California 94612

Register Here:

Jenny Watson