Lumos StepUp Efficacy Study: Hill-Roberts Elementary School, Massachusetts-2017-18

School Overview

Hill-Roberts Elementary School is based in Attleboro Massachusetts, which comes under the Attleboro school district. The school supports over 467 students across grades pre-k to 4. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 18.0:1 and about 35% of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Hill-Roberts Elementary School Demographics


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Hill-Roberts Elementary School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger and Massachusetts State Department of Education.
The school used Lumos StepUp program in 2017-18 to support student’s Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Hill-Roberts Elementary School Ranking

There are 934 elementary schools in Massachusetts and Hill-Roberts Elementary School was ranked 665th in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted Math program for Grades 4. About 52 students used the Lumos Stepup program for MCAS Math. In the 2017-18 MCAS tests, Hill-Roberts Elementary School rank improved by 31 positions.

Grade 4 MCAS Test-scores

MCAS 4th Grade Math

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 4th graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 MCAS Math assessment increased by 13%.

Overall Result

  • The use of Lumos StepUp for MCAS Math in 4th in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • TThe overall school ranking improved by 31 positions from 665 in 2017 to 634 in 2018.

Steven Jarvis