7th Grade What a character - Worksheet & Printable

Which excerpt from the text provides the reason the Emperor agreed to buy clothes from the swindlers?


Not only were the colors and patterns unusually fine, but the clothes that were made of the stuff had the peculiar quality of becoming invisible to every person who was not fit for the office he held, or if he was impossibly dull.


Life was very gay in the great town where he lived; hosts of strangers came to visit it every day, and among them one day two swindlers. They gave themselves out as weavers, and said that they knew how to weave the most beautiful stuff imaginable.


At the outset they asked for a quantity of the finest silk and the purest gold thread, all of which they put into their own bags, while they worked away at the empty looms far into the night.


'I know I am not a fool!' thought the man, 'so it must be that I am unfit for my good post! It is very strange, though! However, one must not let it appear!' So he praised the stuff he did not see, and assured them of his delight in the beautiful colours and the originality of the design.

Standard: RL.7.6

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Craft and Structure

Description: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

What character trait do the Emperor and his minister share?


They are both insecure about their qualifications.


They both want to fool the public


They both want the Emperor to have the most wonderful clothing available.


Both men are able to imagine things that are not visible.

Standard: RL.7.6

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Craft and Structure

Description: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

Why does the Emperor continue with the procession after the child reviews the truth?


He doesn’t believe the child.


He doesn’t want to admit to his subjects that the swindlers had tricked him.


He is concerned that there are people in the audience who can see the clothes.


He has paid for his new clothes and wants to continue showing them off.

Standard: RL.7.6

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Craft and Structure

Description: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

Which line best explains why the minister pretends to see the clothing?


'Heaven preserve us!' thought the old minister, opening his eyes very wide. 'Why, I can't see a thing!' But he took care not to say so.


'Oh, it is beautiful! Quite charming!' said the old minister, looking through his spectacles; 'this pattern and these colours! I will certainly tell the Emperor that the stuff pleases me very much.'


'Good heavens!' thought he, 'is it possible that I am a fool. I have never thought so, and nobody must know it. Am I not fit for my post? It will never do to say that I cannot see the stuff.'


'We are delighted to hear you say so,' said the swindlers, and then they named all the colours and described the peculiar pattern. The old minister paid great attention to what they said, so as to be able to repeat it when he got home to the Emperor.

Standard: RL.7.6

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Craft and Structure

Description: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

What assumption does Mr. Donovan make that enables Miss Conway to tell her story?


He assumes she has moved to the boarding house because she is a widow.


He assumes she has broken up with her boyfriend.


He assumes she wants to go for a walk with him.


He assumes she is wearing black because she is in mourning.

Standard: RL.7.6

Domain: Reading: Literature

Theme: Craft and Structure

Description: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.


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