Meaning and Tone Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Meaning and Tone. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Meaning and Tone.

How does word choice affect tone and meaning?

By mistersato411

Learn the difference between denotation and connotation, how connotations create the author's tone, and how both create meaning.

Common Core Literature Standard 4: The meanings of words and phrases affect the text and tone

By OnDemandInstruction

This video covers reading strategies for finding the meaning of words and the effects of word choices in a text. In particular it analyzes how language can establish a text's setting and tone.

Common Core Literature Standard 4: The meanings of words and phrases affect the text and tone

By OnDemandInstruction

This video covers reading strategies for finding the meaning of words and the effects of word choices in a text. In particular it analyzes how language can establish a text's setting and tone.

Common Core Writing 1.4 Maintaining an Appropriate Tone

By OnDemandInstruction

What does it mean to "establish a formal style and objective tone"? Watch this video and find out!

Common Core Reading Standard 4 Word Choice and Tone

By OnDemandInstruction

This video helps students identify the tone of a text by understanding the word choice and meaning in a piece of writing. It elaborates on the denotation and connotation of words as well as presents different figures of speech

How to make inferences from text, using textual evidence

By learnreadingnow

This video briefly defines inference as the conclusion a reader draws from the tone, context, and implicit meaning of a written passage. Also it compares the valid and invalid inferences that a reader might make based on the details presented in the passage.

Common Core Reading Standard 4 Word Choice and Tone

By OnDemandInstruction

This video helps students identify the tone of a text by understanding the word choice and meaning in a piece of writing. It elaborates on the denotation and connotation of words as well as presents different figures of speech.

How to make inferences from text, using textual evidence

By learnreadingnow

This video briefly defines inference as the conclusion a reader draws from the tone, context, and implicit meaning of a written passage. Also it compares the valid and invalid inferences that a reader might make based on the details presented in the passage.

eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4)

By eSparkLearningVideos

Students see how context clues can help show a word's meaning. The teacher demonstrates using this skill while she reads a myth about Arachne.

eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4)

By eSparkLearningVideos

Students see how context clues can help show a word's meaning. The teacher demonstrates using this skill while she reads a myth about Arachne

Exploring Words' Connotative and Denotative Meanings

By WarnerJordanEducation

This lesson first explains the difference between the denotation and connotation of a word. It then gives words with good and bad connotations for describing a student. [Note: The examples of "devil" and "witch" as well as the negative descriptions of students might be offensive to some.]

How structure of a literary text affects the meaning

By Pencils and Pancakes

This video examines ways that authors manipulate structure to create meaning

CCSS RL 3.7 Focus Lesson 2 ~ Convey Meaning

By Mellissa Wilson

Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story

eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4)

By esparklearningvideos

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology

Explicit and Implicit Meaning in Text

By mrsniradale

This video explains the difference between explicit and implicit meanings within a text and illustrates how using inference can help the reader determine textual meaning. [This video features text only; there is no narration.]

Multiple Meaning Words

By teachertubeWriting

Introduction to Multiple Meaning words; what they are and how to determine the meaning being used

Action Magazine - Multiple Meanings

By Periwinkle

Action Magazine’s reading detective investigates multiple meaning words.

3.OA.6 - Meaning of Division (Singapore Math)

By MathwithMrAlmeda

Mr. Almeida explains the meaning of division as an "unknown factor problem." This illustrates 3.OA.6 in the grade 3 Common Core Standards for Mathematics.