Finding the Mean Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Finding the Mean. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Finding the Mean.

Average or Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode

By Khan Academy

This Khan Academy video offers more information on finding the mean of a set of numbers and contains a few sample problems with a step-by-step walkthrough on finding the mean.

The mean, the median and the mode

By MathPlanetVideos

Find mean, median and mode

Geometric Means in a Geometric Sequence

By ProfRobBob

This video lesson explains how to find missing geometric means within a geometric sequence. Two example problems are included

Mean Median Mode Range

By Mathademics

Find mean median mode and range from a data set.

Explaining Metaphors - Boiling with Anger

By MortonandWebster

This video finds associations to the expression "boil with anger" as a way to demonstrate how to find the meaning in metaphors. It shows how "anger" borrows meaning from "boil".

Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 1

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Introduction to Statistics includes Average, Sample vs Population, Variance, Standard Deviation, Random Variables, Probability density functions, Binomial distribution, Poisson Process, Law of Large numbers and Normal Distribution.

Explaining Metaphors - Boiling with Anger

By MortonandWebster

This video finds associations to the expression "boil with anger" as a way to demonstrate how to find the meaning in metaphors. It shows how "anger" borrows meaning from "boil".

Language Focus: Data Commentary


In this video, we'll look at describing data in tables and figures. This process is how a journalist can tell people what the numbers and figures in an article mean. We call this data commentary. We'll look at three things: where to find the data, what it means, and moderating a claim.

Roots of decimals and fractions

By Khan Academy

Learn the meaning of cube roots and how to find them. Also learn how to find the cube root of a negative number.

Equations with square roots and cube roots

By Khan Academy

Learn the meaning of cube roots and how to find them. Also learn how to find the cube root of a negative number.

Standard Deviation

By Tony Baker

This is a review on how to find standard Deviation of a population. If finding Standard Deviation of a Sample in the mean step divide by (n-1).

Finding Factors of a Number

By Khan Academy

To find the factors of a number means to find all the whole numbers that the number in question is divisible by. Can you help us find the factors in this example?

Identifying factors and multiples

By Khan Academy

To find the factors of a number means to find all the whole numbers that the number in question is divisible by. Can you help us find the factors in this example?

Finding factors of a number | Factors and multiples | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

To find the factors of a number means to find all the whole numbers that the number in question is divisible by. Can you help us find the factors in this example?

Factor pairs

By Khan Academy

To find the factors of a number means to find all the whole numbers that the number in question is divisible by. Can you help us find the factors in this example?

Finding Factors of a Number

By Khan,Academy

To find the factors of a number means to find all the whole numbers that the number in question is divisible by. Can you help us find the factors in this example?

Mean and variance of Bernoulli distribution example | Probability and Statistics | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Introduction to Statistics includes Average, Sample vs Population, Variance, Standard Deviation, Random Variables, Probability density functions, Binomial distribution, Poisson Process, Law of Large numbers and Normal Distribution.

Bernoulli distribution mean and variance formulas | Probability and Statistics | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Introduction to Statistics includes Average, Sample vs Population, Variance, Standard Deviation, Random Variables, Probability density functions, Binomial distribution, Poisson Process, Law of Large numbers and Normal Distribution..

Mean, Median, and Mode

By Southwest Tech Math/Science Center

Measures of central tendency

Distribution of the Sample Mean

By statslectures - where you can find free lectures, videos, and exercises, as well as get your questions answered on our forums!