8.F Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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Functions - Grade 8 Math Educational Video (8.F.4)

By Lumos Learning

Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and educators can reinforce the classroom learning experience for children and help them succeed at school and on the standardized tests. Lumos books, dvd, eLearning and tutoring are used by leading schools, libraries and thousands of parents to supplement classroom learning and improve student achievement in the standardized tests.

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[8.F.5-2.0] Interpreting Functions - Common Core Standard

By Front Row

1:51 video by Front Row that takes a WP/verbal description and graphs it and then briefly addresses what the various features of the graph mean regarding the relationship shown.

Domain of algebraic functions

By Khan Academy

Sal finds the domain of f(x)=������������������(2x-8).

Domain of algebraic functions

By Khan Academy

Sal finds the domain of f(x)=������������������(2x-8).

Derivative as slope of a tangent line | Taking derivatives | Differential Calculus

By Khan Academy

Calculus-Derivative: Understanding that the derivative is just the slope of a curve at a point (or the slope of the tangent line). All Khan Academy content is available for free at www.khanacademy.org

Ex: Determine if a Table Values Represents a Function

By Mathispower4u

Ex: Determine if a Table Values Represents a Function

Writing the equation of a line in any form

By Khan Academy

Point-slope and standard form

Interpreting linear relationships

By Khan Academy

Sal discusses how we would go about making sense of the direction of a linear graph that represents a relationship between two real-world quantities.

Recognizing functions from graphs

By Khan Academy

Sal explains why a vertical line *doesn't* represent a function.

Recognizing functions from tables

By Khan Academy

Sal checks whether a table of people and their heights can represent a function that assigns a height to a name.

Khan Academy: Linear Equation Application Problem

By Khan Academy

Get more practice with functions by watching this word problem. Here you must graph the equation and use it to find a specific output. Start by creating a table to get a range of values. You'll need several ordered pairs to create the graph!

Finding Slope Given Graph and Two Points (Part 2)

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Algebra from Khan Academy includes Linear Equations Solving Inequalities Slope and Y-intercept Equation of a Line Averages Integer sums Taking Percentages Systems of Equations Ratios Multiplying Expressions Solving a quadratic by factoring Imaginary Numbers Complex Numbers Quadratic Equations Quadratic Inequalities Functions Conic sections Circles Ellipses Hyperbolas......

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values of a linear function and four linear graphs, and is asked to determine which graph has the same rate of change as the function represented in the table.

Grade 8 Math - Functions

By Lumos Learning

Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and educators can reinforce the classroom learning experience for children and help them succeed at school and on the standardized tests. Lumos books, dvd, eLearning and tutoring are used by leading schools, libraries and thousands of parents to supplement classroom learning and improve student achievement in the standardized tests.

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values of a linear function and four linear graphs, and is asked to determine which graph increases faster than the function represented in the table.

Intercepts from a table

By Khan Academy

Find intercepts from a table

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given the formula of a linear function and the graph of another, and is asked to determine which function increases faster.

Interpreting graphs word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal considers the graph of a function that models temperature over time, and matches features of that graph to their real-world meaning.

Interpreting graphs word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal discusses the meaning of the y-intercept of the graph of a function that models the height of a ball.