7.G.B.4 Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to 7.G.B.4. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to 7.G.B.4.

Calculating the circumference of a circle

By MathPlanetVideos

Find the radius of the circle

How to Find the Area of Geometric Shapes

By eHow

Finding the area of geometric shapes requires being familiar with their respective formulas, as each type of shape involves different methods and equations. The instructor uses a document camera to model examples.

Area - Area Of A Circle

By mrmaisonet

Once you know what 'radius' and 'area' mean, watch this video to learn how to calculate the area of a circle. Pay attention to the common mistakes, such as using an incorrect order of operations.

Definition of a Circle - Radius of a Circle

By yourteachermathhelp

Students learn the definitions of a circle (is a set of points in a plane that are a given distance from a given point in the plane), the given point is called the center, and the distance from the center to the circle is called the radius. Whichever point on the circle is chosen the distance to the center of the circle will be the same, so all radii of a given circle are congruent. Good quality video for grade four and up.

Introduction to Geometry - 44 - Parts of a Circle

By thenewboston

Learn the definition of a circle and how to identify the parts of a circle. Some of the vocabulary words used are radius, chord, and diameter.

Circle: Application: Finding Area and Length of a Race Track

By easymathk12

An oval track is made by erecting semicircles on each end of a 60m by 120m rectangle. Find the length of the track and the area enclosed by the track.

Circles: radius, diameter, circumference and Pi | Geometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

The radius is the distance between the center and any point on the circumference of a circle. The diameter is always twice the radius. The circumference is the perimeter of the circle.

Area of a circle

By Khan Academy

Learn how the number Pi allows us to relate the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle.

Area of a circle

By Khan Academy

In this example, we solve for the area of a circle when given the diameter. If you recall, the diameter is the length of a line that runs across the circle and through the center.