Compare Properties of Functions Algebraically Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Compare Properties of Functions Algebraically. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Compare Properties of Functions Algebraically.

Constructing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a verbal description of a real-world relationship involving a person painting his room, and is asked to find the formula of the function that represents this relationship.

Identifying Linear Functions

By Marty Brandl

YouTube presents Identifying Linear Functions, an educational video resource on math.

Comparing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values that represents a person walking to work, and is asked to determine which verbal description represents someone starting at the same distance from work.

Comparing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values that represents four people walking to school, and is asked to determine which one started out farther from the school.

Comparing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given the formula and a table of values that represent two people climbing a wall, and is asked to determine which one started out higher.

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values of a linear function and four linear graphs, and is asked to determine which graph increases faster than the function represented in the table.

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given the formula of a linear function and the graph of another, and is asked to determine which function increases faster.

Comparing linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values of a linear function and four linear graphs, and is asked to determine which graph has the same rate of change as the function represented in the table.

Graphs of piecewise linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal explains what a piecewise function is, and finds the formula of a piecewise function given its graph.

Graphs of piecewise linear functions

By Khan Academy

Sal graphs a piecewise function given its formula. In this case, the function consists of three separate lines.

CA Algebra I: Functions

By Khan Academy

This is an educational video from Khan Academy that walks students through functions used in algebra related to domain and range.

Linear Functions in Practice

By Khan Academy

This video from Khan Academy explores mathematical concepts related to basic linear functions and includes illustrative examples.

Factoring sum of cubes | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

u12_l2_t3_we1 Factoring Sum of Cubes. All Khan Academy content is available for free at

Solving rational equations 2 | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

The instructor in this video (04:08) discusses how to solve rational equations using another problem. Sl Khan shows how to multiply to remove the fractions to make solving easier. He uses computer software for demonstration. The viewer may want to open the video to 'full screen' because the instructor has a lot of small writing on a black screen.

Recognizing linear functions | Linear equations and functions | 8th grade | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This Khan Academy video offers more information on linear functions and recognizing them. It also contains various sample walkthroughs to help demonstrate these new concepts.

Graphing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a verbal description of a real-world relationship involving a pool being filled with water, and is asked to draw the graph that represents this relationship.

Graphing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a verbal description of a real-world relationship involving a truck's fuel consumption, and is asked to draw the graph that represents this relationship.

Interpreting graphs of linear and nonlinear functions

By Khan Academy

Interpreting graphs of linear and nonlinear functions

Example Problem - Linear Functions (Slope)

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Worked Examples in Algebra from Khan Academy includes Solving Equations Solving Word Problems Solving for a variable Absolute Value and Number Lines Patterns in Sequences Functional Relationships Domain and Range Rate Problems Linear Functions Slope of a Line X and Y intercepts Equation of a Line Parallel Lines Perpendicular Lines Solving Inequalities and more...

Factoring special products | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This instructor in this video, Sal Khan, discusses how to factor special products. Mr. Khan uses the Paint Program (with different colors) to illustrate his points. Sal Khan is the recipient of the 2009 Microsoft Tech Award in Education. The student or educator may want to open the video to 'full screen' as the instructor is using a black background and the writing is small.