Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

LEAP2025 - Grade 3 Math Practice Test 1 - Session 1

LEAP2025 - Grade 3 Math

Practice Test 1 - Session 1

Part A

The clock shows the time when Katie starts her afternoon piano lesson.

If she finishes 45 minutes later, what time will it be then?

Part B

Katie’s teacher used the last ten minutes to practice music theory on the computer. What time did Katie start working on the computer?
Instruction: Write your answer in the format H:MM


Which of the following situations could be modeled using 3 x 5 or 5 x 3? Choose all that apply.

Part A

Fill in the blanks to complete each equation. Type your response in the box below the equation.

60 x 10 = ______

Part B

_______ x 8 = 240

Part C

50 x ______ = 450

Measurement & Data (3.MD.A.1)