Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning
Question No. 1 / 1

George has 16 coins in his pocket.  He has both dimes and quarters.  If he has $2.20 in his pocket, how many of each coin does he have?

Part A

Using the variables “d” for dimes and “q” for quarters, write the 2 equations that are represented in the problem.

Use the drop-down menus to build your equation, choosing one expression from each drop-down menu.

1st Equation

2nd Equation

Part B

How did you come up with your answer to Question #1? Why is your solution correct?

Instruction: Write your explanation in the box below.

Part C

How would your first equation change if you knew that George had 3 times as many dimes as he had quarters instead of knowing the total number of coins in his pocket?
Instruction: Write your explanation in the box below.

Expressions & Equations (8.EE.C.8)