Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Archaeology is the study of past human life and culture through systematically examining and interpreting the material remains left behind. These material remains include archaeological sites (e.g. settlements, building features, graves), as well as cultural materials or artifacts such as tools and pottery. Through the interpretation and classification of archaeological materials, archaeologists work to understand past human behavior. In some countries, archaeology is often historical or art historical, with a strong emphasis on cultural history, archaeological sites, and artifacts such as art objects. In the New World, archaeology can be either a part of history and classical studies or anthropology.

The history of archeology has been one of increasing professionalisation, and the use of an increasing range of techniques to obtain as much data on the site being examined as possible. The exact origins of archaeology as a discipline are uncertain. Excavations of ancient monuments and the collection of antiquities have been taking place for thousands of years. It was only in the 19th century, however, that the systematic study of the past through its physical remains began to be carried out in a manner recognisable to modern students of archaeology.

Treat the above passage as your first rough draft. Your editor has asked you to rewrite the bolded sentences and also add some details to your essay.

Rewrite the above passage making the necessary changes and submit it to your editor for further review

When I was through with my doctor’s appointment, I made my way down to the lobby. My mom was going to pick me up, because she was always late, I realized I had some time to spare. I took a seat in the lobby and smiled politely at the three elderly people sitting near me. There were two women and an old man. Then I dug into my backpack for my library book. Soon, one of the women and the old man left the place. The beautiful grey- haired woman and I were the only ones in the lobby.

I looked at her directly. She appeared dignified, serious and stern. I thought she might have been a former English teacher because she impressed me as a person with knowledge and confidence. She intentionally avoided my direct glance, but as I lifted my book to read, I could feel her eyes carefully gazing in my direction.

Concentrating on the book was impossible. My thoughts kept on shifting from the beautiful grey-haired woman to thoughts of school; everyone was talking of graduation. Some kids had been discussing what gifts to buy for each other. My face turned red at the thought. It had never occurred to me that kids bought presents for graduation. In our home, relatives bought the graduates presents. I had no money and I couldn’t ask my parents, they hadn’t any either. Yet, I longed to be able to share with my best friends something that would help them remember our friendships, even if it was just, little.

I was still deep in thought when suddenly I heard a commotion at the elevator. An elderly woman was in a wheelchair and an older woman was trying to push her. She was struggling with the heavy glass door. I quickly jumped up to help her. It was then I realized that the woman pushing the chair could barely walk! I eased them through both sets of doors and helped them to the elevator. They thanked me but I could see that they needed help to get on and off the elevator and into their doctor’s office safely. I decided to help them.

On my way back I realized that I had left my backpack on the lobby chair. There was nothing of value in it just a wallet with fifty-nine cents in change, a small mirror, a comb and some tissues. My precious library book was still there! As I sat down, I could see the beautiful grey haired woman’s smiling eyes on me. She seemed proud of me. Then, her taxi arrived and without a word she went.
I decided to pick through my pennies and to see if I had enough to buy some peanuts. I opened my wallet and to my surprise I found a fifty-dollar bill neatly tucked inside. My mind flashed to the beautiful stranger. I had been kind to a stranger and a stranger had been kind to me.
Proofread the above passage. Make sure that the words are spelled right and the sentence structuring is correct. After proof reading the above passage, add comments on how to improve it.

I lay in sorrow, deep distressed;
My grief a proud man heard;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold
But not a kindly word.
My sorrow passed, I paid him back
The gold he gave to me;
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks,
And blessed his charity.
I lay in want, in grief and pain;
A poor man passed my way;
He bound my head, he gave me bread,
He watched me night and day.
How shall I pay him back again,
For all he did to me?
Oh, gold is great, but greater far
Is humanly sympathy!
-- Charles McKay.
Read the above poem. You have to rewrite the above poem as a story.
Create a graphic organizer (Web) and your prewriting work.

Writing Standards (W.8.5)