Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

From Guiseppi Verdi by Thomas Trapper

Whenever the organ man came into the village of Roncole, in Italy (where Verdi was born, October 10, 1813), Verdi could not be kept indoors. But he followed the wonderful organ and the wonderful man who played it, all day long, as happy as he could be.

When Giuseppe was seven years old, his father, though only a poor innkeeper, bought him a spinet, a sort of small piano. So faithfully did the little boy practice that the spinet was soon quite worn out and new jacks, or hammers, had to be made for it. This was done by Stephen Cavaletti, who wrote a message on one of the jacks telling that he made them anew and covered them with leather, and fixed the pedal, doing all for nothing, because the little boy, Giuseppe Verdi, showed such willingness to practice and to learn. Thus the good Stephen thought this was pay enough.

Which sentence from the passage best explains how Verdi felt about his first spinet?

Skunk Chow

Skunks are omnivores. They can be found eating nuts, berries, roots, leaves, grasses, and even some types of fungi (mushroom-like plants). For animals, they enjoy dining on rodents such as mice and rats, insects, earthworms, frogs, lizards, toads, and birds. Sometimes when they are unable to find live animals to eat they become scavengers eating dead animals left behind. When they live close to people’s homes, skunks sometimes will even get into trash cans eating, garbage.

When skunks eat they do not limit themselves to small meals. They like to “pig out” on whatever food they can find. When there is a large amount of food available skunks get very fat very quickly.

If you had to answer the question “Can skunks control their appetites” which sentence would you use to support your answer?

Skunk Chow

Skunks are omnivores. They can be found eating nuts, berries, roots, leaves, grasses, and even some types of fungi (mushroom-like plants). For animals, they enjoy dining on rodents such as mice and rats, insects, earthworms, frogs, lizards, toads, and birds. Sometimes when they are unable to find live animals to eat they become scavengers eating dead animals left behind. When they live close to people’s homes, skunks sometimes will even get into trash cans eating, garbage.

When skunks eat they do not limit themselves to small meals. They like to “pig out” on whatever food they can find. When there is a large amount of food available skunks get very fat very quickly.

If the author removed the sentence telling you skunks were omnivores, could you still infer that skunks are omnivores?

Reading: Informational Text (RI.7.1)