Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Identify the type, or genre, of the following passage:

Even without his gun, he was determined to single-handedly even his score with the thugs and pursue justice.

This writing is _________________________________.

Identify the type, or genre, of the following passage:

During the Renaissance, scientists began correcting their mistaken notions about all kinds of things, discarding superstitions and errors that had been handed down to them. New discoveries were the order of the day.
This writing is __________________________________.

Identify the type, or genre, of the following passage:

The castle looked deserted in the foggy night air. There were no lights anywhere, and a strange noise like a muffled human scream was coming from an upper window. The door creaked slowly open when she pushed on it. She hesitated.
This writing is __________________________________.

Writing Standards (W.6.2)