Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Write a concluding sentence that most completely summarizes the argument in each passage.

I always try to do what I have promised to do. If I say I will arrive at 5:15, I try to be there at 5:15. I don’t lie or deliberately withhold information. I don’t try to trick or confuse others. My friends trust me with their secrets, and I don’t tell them to anyone else. I understand that you are looking for a trustworthy employee.

Write a concluding sentence that most completely summarizes the argument in each passage.

The sun was shining. The birds were singing. Butterflies fluttered by. Bees were humming in the garden. The smell of newly-mowed grass was in the air.

Write a concluding sentence that most completely summarizes the argument in each passage.
Tho smiles at the teachers as he goes down the hall. He talks to the secretary when he goes by the office. He texts messages back and forth with the girls. He plays soccer with the boys. Everyone likes Tho.

Reading: Literature (RL.6.2)