Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Choose the correct meaning for the word ‘ornaments’ in the following sentence.

The shells are also made into cups and ornaments.

I found a shell, a curly one;
Lying on the sand.
I picked it up and took it home,
Held tightly in my hand.

Mommy looked at it and then,
She held it to my ear,
And from the shell there came a song
Soft and sweet and clear.

I was surprised, I listened hard,
And it was really true:
If you can find a nice big shell,
You’ll hear the singing too.

--- Unknown

In the poem find the word that means ‘hard outer covering’.

(1) Jim was given the Most Valuable Player award at the banquet last night. (2) Everyone agreed that he was the best batter on the team this year. (3) Because he won the award, Mindy wanted to give him a surprise party. (4) She invited all of his friends and even baked him a cake. (5) In the end, the surprise was on Mindy because she had put salt in the batter instead of sugar.

The meaning of the word batter in sentence 2 is:

Language (L.4.4)