Teacher stress-relief tips

A teacher who gets stressed usually does not have the luxury of time to check into a spa for six weeks but can benefit from this collection of stress-busting success plans from some experienced teachers who survived some stress moments. Here are some teacher stress-free relief tips.

  1. Break down your daily activities into smaller tasks.

  2. Think of ideas that make teaching fun for you – and do them!

  3. Do not to take things personally, since comments may not always be pleasant.

  4. Stay in close touch with nature. Schedule some classes outdoors if the weather and your school policy will permit it. You can also incorporate the change of seasons and nature walks into your class lessons.

  5. Create some time during the school year for your hobbies. You don’t necessarily have to wait till vacation.

  6. Take some off-time periods to relax during lunchtime or after school.

  7. Always have it at the back of your mind that no matter what your fellow workers, your principal, students, or parents think or say about you or your work, there is nothing you can do to please all of them at every time.

  8. Don’t listen to rumors and allow them to get to you.

  9. Based on: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/15-stress-busting-tips-teachers

Derek Turner