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Eighth grade math - Convert between standard and scientific notation

Knowledge of how to convert numbers from scientfic notation to standard notation (or decimal notation) and vice versa is very essential. Numbers which are too big or too small are written in scientific notation. It is of the form m x 10^n (10 raised to power n), n is an integer and absolute value of m is more than or equal to 1. Two examples of scientific notation are, radius of the earth is 6.371 x 10^7 m, radius of nucleus is in the range of 10^(-15)m. Thus to write in scientific notation, power of 10 is to be used. Ex. 532 = 5.32 x 10^2. To convert to decimal notation move the decimal to the right or left depending on whether 10 is raised to positve number or negative number. Ex. 5.32 x 10^3 = 5320 and 5.32 x 10^(-3) = 0.00532. Learn more about convert between standard and scientific notation using the resources of this page.

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To convert to scientific notation, start by moving the decimal place in the number until you have a coefficient between 1 and 10; here it is 3.45. The number of places to the left that you had to move the decimal point is the exponent. Here, we had to move the decimal 4 places to the right, so the exponent is -4.

  • What is the scientific notation?
  • Scientific notation is the way that scientists easily handle very large numbers or very small numbers. For example, instead of writing 0.0000000056, we write 5.6 x 10-9.

  • What is the difference between standard and scientific notation?
  • Scientific notation numbers may be written in different forms. The number 6×109 could also be written as 6e+9. The +9 indicates that the decimal point would be moved 9 places to the right to write the number in standard form.

  • How do you put a number in scientific notation?
  • To see an exponent that’s negative, write .00000031 in scientific notation.**Move the decimal place to the right to create a new number from 1 up to 10. So, N = 3.1.**Determine the exponent, which is the number of times you moved the decimal. … **Put the number in the correct form for scientific notation.

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