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Algebra 1 - Identify linear functions

Identifying linear functions is a part of syllabus in algebra 1 (second math course). Difference between linear and nonlinear functions is as follows: the variables in the former are of 1st degree and in the latter variables will have powers other than one also. y = 2x + 5 is an example of linear function and y = x^2 (x raised to power 2) is a nonlinear function. To plot a graph of linear function, you need to make a linear function table, by calculating values of y for atleast 2 values of x. There are different forms of linear functions, such as y = mx + b and ax + by = c. Practice more linear function problems from the worksheets available here and learn more about linear functions using the other resources on this page.

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Related Topics

  • Is a linear function a polynomial function?

  • A constant function is also considered linear in this context, as it is a polynomial of degree zero or is the zero polynomial. Its graph, when there is only one independent variable, is a horizontal line.

  • What is the cost function?

  • A cost function specifies the cost C as a function of the number of items x. Thus, C(x) is the cost of x items, and has the form Cost = Variable cost + Fixed cost where the variable cost is a function of x and the fixed cost is a constant.

  • What are the properties of a linear function?

  • The constant b is the so-called y-intercept. It is the y-value at which the line intersects the y-axis. The coefficient a is the slope of the line. This measures of the rate of change of the linear function associated with the line.

  • Why do you think Y ax B is called a linear equation?

  • The value of a is 0.5 and b is zero, so this is the graph of the equation y = 0.5x+0 which simplifies to y = 0.5x. This is a simple linear equation and so is a straight line whose slope is 0.5. That is, y increases by 0.5 every time x increases by one.

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