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Proportion Word Problems - Seventh Grade Math

The relative size of two quantities expressed as the quotient of one divided by the other is the ratio. The proportion is an equality between two ratios. Learn more about ratios, proportions and equivalent ratios using the resources on this page. Proportion word problems involves knowing ratio and proportion formulas, how to set up a proportion for a word problem and to solve them. Resources on this page will help you understand these concepts and solve proportion word problems with ease.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Solve proportions: word problems.

Sample questions on Proportions Word Problems

Worksheets on Proportions Word Problems

Educational Videos related to Proportion word problems

Related Topics

  • How do you solve problems with proportions?

  • Solving proportions is simply a matter of stating the ratios as fractions, setting the two fractions equal to each other, cross-multiplying, and solving the resulting equation.

  • How do you write a proportion?

  • First, write the proportion, using a letter to stand for the missing term. We find the cross products by multiplying 20 times x, and 50 times 30. Then divide to find x.

  • What is the meaning of proportion?

  • A proportion is a name we give to a statement that two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways: two equal fractions, or, using a colon, a:b = c:d.

  • How do you solve word problems in algebra?

  • The best way to approach word problems is to “divide and conquer”. Break the problem down into smaller bits and solve each bit at a time. First, we need to translate the word problem into equation(s) with variables. Then, we need to solve the equation(s) to find the solution(s) to the word problems.

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